Thanks for all your help. This has been a real learning experience for me. You have been very professional, knowledgeable and helpful. I will look for opportunities to send you business. I would not have a problem doing business with you. You have gone way beyond the call of duty for me and our company. It is serendipity that I ran across you and that you have the high ethics and standards and willingness to help. You take care and as the opportunity arises I will refer you business. I also, wish you and your company the best.
Again Thanks,
J Fowler US
Fantastic. We're in business!
I would like to pay you the highest compliment possible on the quality
of work and service you and domainregister.com have provided. I cannot
say enough good about the experience I have had working with
domainregister.com and have said so to everyone who will listen. I
truly hope that you have the success that you deserve.
George Capehart US
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I really appreciate the information you have provided on domain
registration. Got me nicely along on the process towards getting my
company on-line. Keep up the good work.
D Mussell Canada
You are fabulous in customer service, just as you were when I first registered and started trying to figure out this Internet and domain stuff as a novice. You have always been most polite and helpful. If you could clone it or teach it effectively, you would rich rich rich.
Thanks again and a Gold Star for your wonderful personality that comes through even in an email.
C Brady US
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Dear Sheryl,
Thanks for the speedy reply and service
My next .com registration will be at Domainregister.com for sure!
Kind regards
K Janisse Netherlands
Dear Sheryl,
you are always the perfect service-woman! thanks.
you are the reason i am staying as a client with
your company and already have payed to remain so until 2013 or
David Sweden
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Thank you for your quick response. Your company has always provided top notch customer service. Have a very pleasant Thanksgiving!
W George US
Hi Sheryl,
You are great! Thanks a lot for your time and help
H Moenig Venezuela
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Dear DomainRegister.com,
Thank you for the fast help, we are going to follow the steps you described.
If any problem occurs, I know who to turn to. Thank you again.
Your Sincerely:
B Srancsik
Marketing and Sales Assistant
Lead System Hungary Ltd. |
Hi DomainRegister.com,
Again, thanks for your nice co-operation.
T Pouw (from a sunny and warm Bangkok)
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The changes have started to show up, thanks for the very quick action.
P Willemse Australia
Dear Sheryl & Stephanie,
Thank you for your company's services! :o)
As I explained on the phone, my wife's illness and death from a rare disorder left me without credit and forced to use money orders to pay for Internet-related purchases/invoicing. Your company's registration service is a lifesaver for folks like me.
Again, thank you for the help. I will be using your hosting service in the future.
Very sincerely yours, M J US
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Here is my new server info. Thanks so much for your patience and time in getting this taken care of.
S Jackson US
Thanks for your quick response and excellent customer service. You are awesome.
Thanks again for all your help...
Dave T US
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Here's the information you requested to transfer the domain name. Thanks for your help and quick response.
S Fullerton US
Thanks for your help and sorry that I took your time instead of visiting the faq area.
I am sure you get asked alot of the same questions and appreciate your time.
best regards
D Kenderdine US
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I registered a total of 3 domains with you and received quick confirmations on all of them from you...thanks for the great/quick service.
M Spencer US
Dear DomainRegister.com,
Many thanks for your company's swift response to my questions. I have been
impressed with Franklin Communications Services (FCS) and DomainRegister.com, but have decided to locate my company's host and domain locally in the UK. However, I would have no hesitation in recommending FCS
to others.
Many thanks for your help and professionalism in this matter,
M Ingram
McDonald Ingram Ltd, UK
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Thanks for your help it is very much appreciated
H Farrell Australia
Dear DomainRegister.com,
As your records will show, I recently requested and received Domain
registration confirmation of 13 Domains using your services.
I am very satisfied with the way in which you and your company have
demonstrated in the quick and professional processing you provide.
D Johnston US
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Thank you for the quick response.
C Hasselo
Cable & Wireless USA
Thanks for getting back to me so quick. Here is the info you need for the Modification: . . .
Thanks Again
A Shirey US
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Thanks Sheryl, appreciate the quick response. Have a great weekend:)
Fred D. US
Thanks for your quick response Sheryl. Sorry, I guess I was just reacting to the money extracting behaviour exhibited by certain "domain name" related businesses (not yours !). (So how big a box of chocolates do I need to send ?)
D Palmer US
DomainRegister.Com response: chocolate not necessary, though nice thought :)
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thanks for the quick response. here the data your requested. your assistance is appreciated.
B Caudill US
Thank you for so promptly responding and updating me on the status of my ownership of the domain.
Thank you for your time and help.
J Mauss
Developer US
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Thank you, that was very quick. Have a nice week end
D Troell Sweden
Thank you very much for your quick response!
J Alley US
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Thank you for the quick service Sheryl !! I have another name registered with a west coast company . I e-mailed them to correct the same problem 5 days ago. No response yet ! What's all the hype ! You people take care of business !!!!! Thank You Again ! R F McConnell US
Thanks so much for getting back in touch quickly. I got a confirmation e-mail from Internic about the change of e-mail address-- looks like it should go through fine. Thanks again for the great service.
A Millard US
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Thanks for the quick reply to my e-mail. We appreciate your efforts with these domain transfers.
Attached is the long list of domains. Thanks again for you help.
N McArthur US
I thank you for your quick answer. I will get back to you ref : a second domain register and hosting my web site
Thanks again. W Marable US
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Thank you for the quick response. I was certain that that is what you meant but I wanted to make sure.
Have a good weekend.
D Vargo
President of Invisible Woods Camouflage US
Thankyou for your quick help, I managed to get it and pay the account.
S BySouth Australia
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Thank you for your quick and accurate response.
B Duffy US
Thanks for the quick response to my problem. I'll work on this end to get our DNS server registered.
Thanks for all your help!
V Brinkerhoff US
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I wanted to wish you a happy holiday, and thank you again for all the work you did registering my sites! In fact, I've just registered two new sites with your company - I'm not sure what I will do with them, - but you are the first to know!
A Squadrilli US
It seemed like a scam to me which is why I contacted you before doing anything else. I'm going to call the number you've given me to complain. Thanks for your quick reply. S Belchetz-Swenson US
DomainRegister.com: above refers to a scam (since stopped) where a company faxed .com holders trying to scare them into buying their name in .net
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Domain Register
allows people, on a global basis, to search for available .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .asia, .eu, .am, .ag, .at, .be, .bz, .cc, .ch, .co, .com.co, .net.co, .nom.co, .cx, .cz, .de, .fm, .gd, .gs, .hn, .in, .co.in, .net.in, .org.in, .firm.in, .gen.in, .ind.in, .la, .lc, .li, .me, .mn, .mobi, .ms, .mx, .com.mx, .co.nz, .net.nz, .org.nz, .pl, .sc, .tc, .tv, .tw, .com.tw, .net.tw, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, domain names. We perform a 'whois' in a user-friendly format. Once a desired available domain name is found, Domain Register allows people to order their domain name registration with the InterNIC on-line. This is also called URL registration, web name, website name, custom domain registration, dns registration services, net names registration, internet identity registration, or even sometimes internet business name registration.
Click here to see the list of U.S. States and Countries with which we've done business registering domain names!
Please email webmaster@domainregister.com if you encounter technical difficulties with this site. Thank you.